Thursday, June 17, 2010

What Is Going On?

Had another great day at camp today. As you can tell the teens are having a good time as well. How can you not have fun when the goal is to knock the other person's head off. Ok, that wasn't the goal but it could have been.
Bro. Gleiser preached on the the two sons of Luke 15. Very convicting message. Many teens responded. I encourage you if you can to go to the Southland website and listen to it if you can. One more day to go. Time flies.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last Pics of the Day

more of the third day

more pics of water games

At least 6-7 young people responded to the gospel tonight to be saved. Praise the Lord!

Day Three--Water Games

Today the kids had water games. They all really seemed to enjoy it especially in this heat. Also some lost challanges and had to eat with their hands. The camp had their own version of Lamberts with guys throwing the rolls to the kids during dinner. It was a lot of fun. I'll try to add more pics as I can. Fun night (skit night) is set to begin in a few minutes so the night is still young. (9:10pm)

Day Three

Finally we are really getting some real fashion sense. I have to say this is an improvement. Camp helps in many ways.
The message this morning was on Joseph. He was a prosperous man because he with with God in relationship (salvation) and with God in fellowship (living for God's glory). There will be a split session here in just a bit. I know the guys will be talked to about purity and the girls about a wide variety of things. Looking forward to that and all the activities of the day. Thanks for praying...things are happening.
Sorry for some pics cpming up twice. The internet kept going in and out and I didn't know if they went through.

More pics

Had a good time at the camp on Tuesday. In the afternoon everyone enjoyed their free time. Some swam, some played B-ball, some went on the Gator-glide. Lots of things to do. The message at night was good and many went forward to make things right with the Lord. Praying for that to continue on Wednesday.

Second Day Games

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Steal the Bacon on Steriods and a Group Shot

more pics

Monday Night--The week got off to a great start with a rousing game of Big Ball and then a tremendous message from Bro. Glieser. He preached on having a clear conscience out of Ps. 32. This morning the message was on "You are Here" about the will of God. He used I Cor. 2 and 3 to talk about the three different kinds of people spiritually. All of us are either 1)natural [unsaved] 2)carnal [saved but fleshly and not growing] or 3)spiritual [a learning a growing Christian. It was a great message and very applicable to all of us.
We have not been able to have internet access until now and it is touch and go. As I get time I will post some pics and try to report back. The teens are having a great time and all ofthem are really throwing themselves into everything. It is great to have a group that wants to be involved. It has been cooler today than yesterday although "cooler" is a relative term. I just lost 5 lbs today in sweat unlike yesterday went I lost 10. But we are all enjoying the Southland weight loss program.
Keep praying and I believe God is going to do great things with the teens. Respond back to the post when you can. You also may to go to the Southland site and listen to the messages like last year. It is
Keep checking back and I will try to keep posting if internet stays available. Thanks for letting your teenagers come.